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How to Resolve Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine Located at path

Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine Located at path sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine

Saw an error dialog when I launch SQL Developer for the first time.

Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine
Located at path

This is because the program cannot find a proper MSVCR100.dll in the binary directory of SQL developer to launch JVM.


There're 2 ways to be able to use the JVM of SQL Developer and solve the problem.

  1. Add JVM to PATH
  2. Copy MSVCR100.dll


We should add the binary directory of JVM provided by SQL developer to system environment variable PATH.

Open Environment Variable

First, we open environment variable editor as administrator.


Next, we edit the system variable PATH, then add a NEW path to it.

Add binary directory of JVM  to PATH
Add binary directory of JVM to PATH

In this case, the binary of JVM provided by SQL developer is E:\oracle\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin\.

Copy MSVCR100.dll

If you have no right to edit PATH or wouldn't, it's also working to directly copy MSVCR100.dll from the binary directory of JVM:


To path:


Your SQL developer or JDeveloper now can be launched normally. Once it is fully open, you may consider to change the language of SQL developer's user interface to supported language.

6 thoughts on “How to Resolve Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine Located at path”

  1. To resolve the issue of : Unable to Load JVM

    (Assuming C:\installers\ is where the sqldeveloper is installed)
    Copy file “msvcr100.dll” from location:

    and paste it to folder in below path:

    Thanks, Chandresh (CK)

  2. I am running Oracle EBS R12.2.x on windows. When I got this error: How to fix Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine Located at the path: ..\..\jdk\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
    This is the solution I found in the internet and it works for me. Give it a shot it might work for you too.
    1) Go to ../sqldeveloper/jdk/jre/bin/msvcr71.dll
    2) Copy msvcr71.dll
    3) Paste to ../sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin

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