To make Network Time Protocol (NTP) work properly for running a RAC database on all Windows nodes, we should configure Windows Time Service (W32Time) before grid installation.
There're 4 steps to configure time service to meet time service requirement of grid infrastructure installation on Windows platform.
Let's see the steps.
1. Register Service
To run W32Time as a service and adds its default configuration information to the registry, we need to register it first.
C:\Users\Administrator>w32tm /register
W32Time successfully registered.
2. Modify Parameter
Let's open register editor directly, then go to the path:
The destination is as below:
Then set the following three parameters to 600 in decimals on all nodes in RAC.
- MaxAllowedPhaseOffset
- MaxNegPhaseCorrection
- MaxPosPhaseCorrection
The order is, choose Decimal, then modify the value in field.
After setting all related parameters, let's see the result.
3. Update Configuration
After W32Time has been configured, we should update the service.
C:\Users\Administrator>w32tm /config /update
The command completed successfully.
4. Check Time Service
Let's see the service status.
C:\Users\Administrator>w32tm /query /status /verbose
Leap Indicator: 3(last minute has 61 seconds)
Stratum: 0 (unspecified)
Precision: -6 (15.625ms per tick)
Root Delay: 0.0000000s
Root Dispersion: 0.0000000s
ReferenceId: 0x00000000 (unspecified)
Last Successful Sync Time: unspecified
Source: Local CMOS Clock
Poll Interval: 6 (64s)
Phase Offset: 0.0000000s
ClockRate: 0.0156250s
State Machine: 0 (Unset)
Time Source Flags: 0 (None)
Server Role: 0 (None)
Last Sync Error: 1 (The computer did not resync because no time data was available.)
Time since Last Good Sync Time: 2458.9322498s
If you saw error like this:
C:\Users\Administrator>w32tm /query /status /verbose
The following error occurred: The service has not been started. (0x80070426)
It may be stop or starting.