PRVF-7573 or PRVF-07573
Saw an error PRVF-7573 when Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) 19c perform a prerequisite check.
PRVF-7573 : Sufficient swap size is not available on node "test" [Required = 8GB (8388608.0KB) ; Found = 2GB (2097148.0KB)]
Cause: The swap size found does not meet the minimum requirement.
Action: Increase swap size to at least meet the minimum swap space requirement.
PRVF-7573 means that the SWAP size in the database server is smaller than expected, you should increase the SWAP size or ignore the error.
If you decide to increase the SWAP size, you may refer to the following posts:
For a non-critical database, for example, testing or development one, we can ignore it. Yes, that's right, PRVF-7573 is ignorable.
So I adjusted up my OEL 7.9 swap file to exceed the reported minimum.
When retrying the 12c 64b Client install, it still reports previous swap file size, not the new expanded swap file size.
I suspect that this may be a value stored within the Oracle DB or DB Client Home’s configuration file(s) and NOT those within the Linux OS configs.
Can anyone verify or exclude this possibility? Cheers.
Theoretically, it should take effect immediately, but you may reboot the server to have a fresh condition.