ORA-01045 means that the user who tried to connect to the database has no privilege to connect to. Therefore, the database refused the user to logon.
SQL> conn hr/hr@orcl
ORA-01045: user hr lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied
Since the error message indicated that the user has no CREATE SESSION privilege, so we can just follow the instruction to grant CREATE SESSION privilege to the user by privileged user. In this case, we grant it by SYS.
Single Granting
When only one user needs the privilege, we can perform single granting.
Normal Databases
For normal databases (non-CDB) which are not using multitenant architecture, we can connect the database by SYS like this.
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> grant create session to hr;
Grant succeeded.
Pluggable Databases (PDB)
For pluggable databases, we should additionally change the current container in order to operate granting CREATE SESSION privilege.
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> alter session set container=ORCLPDB;
Session altered.
SQL> grant create session to hr;
Grant succeeded.
There're more ways to connect to a PDB via OS authentication without password.
Batch Granting
If a bunch of new users need the same privilege, we can grant it to them in one command.
SQL> grant create session to hr,oe,sh;
Grant succeeded.
Please use comma to delimit multiple users.
Connection Test
We connect again.
SQL> conn hr/hr@orcl
At times, users may get ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied when they connect to the database at the first time. DBA should guide them through.
Please note that, the predefined role CONNECT that we used to grant it to a new user contains only CREATE SESSION system privilege since 11g. That is to say, using CONNECT instead of CREATE SESSION also solves ORA-01045, but it has no secret ingredient anymore.
To grant some proper privileges for new accounts, you can check the complete list of 19c system privileges.
Multitenant Issue
In a multitenant environment (12c or later), we should additionally focus on what user we are being granting. Is it a local or common user? If the grantee is a common user, maybe you should consider to grant it with CONTAINER=ALL in order to properly manage commonly and locally granted privileges.
In reality, we see ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied in a multitenant environment more often than this error.
thanks for your help. may you live 1000000000000000000 years
It’s my pleasure!
please specify that this solution is applicable to which database version. I am facing ORA 01045 error on oracle 19c database but this is not working
The error is pretty general across versions. Maybe the grantee is a common user in a multi-tenant environment, if it is, please append CONTAINER=ALL to your granting statement.
thanks this solution resolved my issue
My pleasure!
Thanks man
You’re welcome!