Saw error ORA-31619, when we tried to import data from a dump file.
[oracle@test ~]$ impdp system/password@orcl full=yes directory=BACKUP2 dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-31619: invalid dump file "/backup2/dumps/full.dmp"
ORA-31619 means that the dump file you specified in the command is essentially not a data pump file or the file has been corrupted.
In this case, such error pattern reveals the following things:
- The database is open.
- The user's credential is correct.
- The directory object is valid.
- The file does exist and is readable.
Although the file is existing and readable, it cannot be used as a dump file. Please make sure that file is the correct and healthy one you want to use.