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How to Resolve ORA-27137: unable to allocate large pages to create a shared memory segment


Tried to startup a database to NOMOUNT, but failed.

SQL> startup nomount;
ORA-27137: unable to allocate large pages to create a shared memory segment
Linux-x86_64 Error: 12: Cannot allocate memory
Additional information: 402653184
Additional information: 1

Except that you have special reasons to use hugepages for this database, you can disable it by this.

SQL> alter system set use_large_pages=FALSE scope=spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup;

4 thoughts on “How to Resolve ORA-27137: unable to allocate large pages to create a shared memory segment”

    1. Oh, thank you for the compliments. Yeah, it’s the simplest way if you don’t use hugepages. On the other hand, if you plan to use hugepages, you may also consider it as a temporary solution until you find a permanent one.

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