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How to Resolve ASMCMD-9453: failed to register password file as a CRS resource


In the process of creating an empty RAC database, I tried to copy a password file into ASM by pwcopy command in ASMCMD, then we saw ASMCMD-9453 like this.

[grid@primary01 ~]$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> pwcopy --dbuniquename ORCLCDB /tmp/pwfile +DATA/ORCLCDB/pwfile -f
ASMCMD-9453: failed to register password file as a CRS resource
copying /tmp/pwfile -> +DATA/ORCLCDB/pwfile
ASMCMD-9453: failed to register password file as a CRS resource


This is because ASM simply found no running database registered in CRS matched the DB_UNIQUE_NAME we specified in the command, it threw ASMCMD-9453 to alert us to beware of that. Even though, it'll put the password file to the destination as you specified in --dbuniquename parameter.

1. Turn on DB

Starting up the database to NOMOUNT state to let ASM know this is the instance we want to use.

[oracle@primary01 ~]$ srvctl start database -d orclcdb -o nomount

Then run pwcopy again.

2. Ignore it

Since we have specified the database in --dbuniquename parameter, ASM has been told which DB_UNIQUE_NAME will use the password file, so we can just ignore it because the results are the same.

3. Use orapwd

Alternatively, you can try another way around by using orapwd to create an empty password file for your database if you hate the error very much. Just aviod errors like OPW-00010.

[oracle@primary01 ~]$ srvctl modify database -d orclcdb -pwfile
[oracle@primary01 ~]$ orapwd dbuniquename=ORCLCDB file='+DATA/ORCLCDB/pwfile' entries=10

Enter password for SYS:
[oracle@primary01 ~]$ orapwd describe file='+DATA/ORCLCDB/pwfile'
Password file Description : format=12.2

Be aware of that, this is an empty password file, not a copy one.

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