Of course, you can delete old, unused files manually and regularly. But for your convenience, you may set purge parameters in manager on both sides, it will delete history data and obsolete files every hour.
Local Server
[root@local dirprm]# vi mgr.prm
userid ogg@orcl, password oggpwd
purgeoldextracts ./dirdat/*, usecheckpoints, minkeepfiles 100
purgemarkerhistory minkeepdays 5, maxkeepdays 7, frequencyhours 24
purgeddlhistory minkeepdays 5, maxkeepdays 7, frequencyhours 24
GGSCI (local) 2> refresh mgr
Sending REFRESH request to MANAGER ...
Mgr Params Updated
GGSCI (local) 3> info all
Remote Server
[root@remote dirprm]# vi mgr.prm
userid ogg@orcl, password oggpwd
purgeoldextracts ./dirdat/*, usecheckpoints, minkeepfiles 200
purgemarkerhistory minkeepdays 5, maxkeepdays 7, frequencyhours 24
purgeddlhistory minkeepdays 5, maxkeepdays 7, frequencyhours 24
GGSCI (remote) 2> refresh mgr
Sending REFRESH request to MANAGER ...
Mgr Params Updated
GGSCI (remote) 3> info all
As you can see, I designed that the least number of files that we should keep on the remote server is doubled compared to the local, because PUMP seldom suspends, REPLICAT does.