For Oracle database 21c installation on Windows, you may go for it.
Extract Oracle DB Home 19.3 Image
Since release 18c, all database software installation packages has become image-based to save installation time, so we start the procedure from uncompressing DB home 19c image to ORACLE_HOME.
You don't need to create the directory of ORACLE_HOME in advance, it will be created if there's no such directory.
In this case, ORACLE_HOME is:
As a result, all files are extracted to ORACLE_HOME.
To know if the server meets the requirements of Oracle product or not, we may perform a prerequisite check before installation.
Install Oracle Software 19.3
After the image has been extracted, you can click on "Setup.exe", or run it in CMD command line.
C:\Users\Administrator>cd C:\app\oracle\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1
Launching Oracle Database Setup Wizard...
Create Oracle Database
We click on Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to initiate the database creation process.
Please note that, don't run dbca in CMD command line, it'll fail later.
The database is running.
One last move is to open port 1521 for your incoming connections on windows server.