In this series of tutorial, I plans to install the following components for my LAMP server:
- Linux: CentOS 7.0.1406 minimal.
- Apache: http server 2.4.6.
- MySQL: mysql community server 5.6.19.
- PHP: php 5.5.15 and other php modules.
- It demands less memory to run as a LAMP server.
- It's really fast when start and shutdown the server.
The ISO file of CentOS 7.0 Minimal or other releases can be downloaded from CentOS Mirror. I assume that you are capable of installing CentOS 7.0 by yourself, it's pretty easy and straightforward. Or you can read the document for more helpful information: RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 7 Installation Guide.
Please refer to the following posts for more details on LAMP installation.
- MySQL installation
- Apache installation
- PHP installation
How to Install Newest LAMP on CentOS 7 Minimal (1/3) - MySQL
How to Install Newest LAMP on CentOS 7 Minimal (2/3) - Apache.
Since installing MySQL is more complicated than installing Apache HTTP, so I arrange MySQL installation in the first step.