Autonomous Health Framework (AHF)
Let's see how we install it in AIX 7.2
Unzip AHF Package
Supposed that you have downloaded the latest AHF from My Oracle Support (note 2550798.1) and uploaded it to the server.
[root@primary01 /AHF]# unzip -q
[root@primary01 /AHF]# ls -l
total 835480
-rwxr-x--- 1 root system 211290102 Dec 10 15:27
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 1525 Nov 01 10:59 README.txt
-rwx------ 1 root system 216459103 Nov 01 10:58 ahf_setup
-rw------- 1 root system 384 Nov 01 10:59 ahf_setup.dat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 625 Nov 01 10:59
As you can see, there're 4 files in the zip.
Run ahf_setup on One Node
We execute ahf_setup on the first node. Since we already have an old AHF in the server, so the setup switched to upgrade mode.
[root@primary01 /AHF]# ./ahf_setup
AHF Installer for Platform AIX Architecture PPC64
AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_2310000_36241890_2023_12_10-15_32_33.log
Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation
AHF Version: 23.10.0 Build Date: 202310311821
AHF is already installed at /opt/oracle.ahf
Installed AHF Version: 21.2.4 Build Date: 202109222135
Do you want to upgrade AHF [Y]|N : Y
AHF will also be installed/upgraded on these Cluster Nodes :
1. primary02
The AHF Location and AHF Data Directory must exist on the above nodes
AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf
AHF Data Directory : /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data
Do you want to install/upgrade AHF on Cluster Nodes ? [Y]|N : Y
Upgrading /opt/oracle.ahf
Shutting down AHF Services
Upgrading AHF Services
Beginning Retype Index
TFA Home: /opt/oracle.ahf/tfa
Moving existing indexes into temporary folder
Index file for index moved successfully
Index file for index_metadata moved successfully
Did not find file for complianceindex
Moved indexes successfully
Starting AHF Services
No new directories were added to TFA
Directory /u01/app/grid/crsdata/primary01/trace/chad was already added to TFA Directories.
AHF upgrade completed on primary01
Then the process continues to install AHF on the other nodes in order. This may take a while to complete, please be patient.
Upgrading AHF on Remote Nodes :
AHF will be installed on primary02, Please wait.
Upgrading AHF on primary02 :
[primary02] Copying AHF Installer
[primary02] Running AHF Installer
Do you want AHF to store your My Oracle Support Credentials for Automatic Upload ? Y|[N] : N
| Host | TFA Version | TFA Build ID | Upgrade Status |
| primary01 | | 231000020231031182123 | UPGRADED |
| primary02 | | 231000020231031182123 | UPGRADED |
Setting up AHF CLI and SDK
AHF is successfully upgraded to latest version
Moving /tmp/ahf_install_2310000_36241890_2023_12_10-15_32_33.log to /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/primary01/diag/ahf/
AHF installation completes.
Check Status
We used tfactl utility to list the TFA status of both nodes.
[root@primary01 /AHF]# tfactl status
| Host | Status of TFA | PID | Port | Version | Build ID | Inventory Status |
| primary01 | RUNNING | 37683464 | 5000 | | 231000020231031182123 | COMPLETE |
| primary02 | RUNNING | 8847802 | 5000 | | 231000020231031182123 | COMPLETE |
The AHF is now release 23.10.