There're 4 ways to run SQL in just one command line.
Run One Statement
If your query contains just only one statement, you can do this:
C:\Users\ed>echo select name from v$database; | sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl
When the query is finished, the command will exit sqlplus automatically.
If your query contains several statements in a file, you can execute it (e.g. run_check.sql) like the following commands:
Run SQL File
The syntax is directly supported by sqlplus.
C:\Users\ed>sqlplus sys/password@primdb_scan as sysdba @run_check.sql
By this method, you have to add "exit" in your SQL script to make itself leave sqlplus.
Dump SQL File
Here we dump the entire file into sqlplus command.
C:\Users\ed>sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl < run_check.sql
This will exit sqlplus automatically.
Output SQL File
Here we print the entire file and pipe the output into sqlplus command.
C:\Users\ed>echo @run_check.sql | sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl
This will exit sqlplus automatically.