It seems that running DBCA with GUI will hang at some specific steps under x-window environments, therefore, we should avoid to step on the traps during creating a database.
Before you create a new database by DBCA with graphic interface, you should check the environmental variables are correct.
[oracle@oracle9i ~]$ echo $ORACLE_BASE
[oracle@oracle9i ~]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
Since the fields of sid and db_name will prompt during creation to ask DBA to fill a valid value, so $ORACLE_SID is irrelevant to this operation.
Let's run the DBCA:
[oracle@oracle9i ~]$ dbca
The screenshots of these steps are as below:
- Welcome
- Select the operation
- Select a template
- Specify db_name and sid
- Select connection mode
- Set initialization parameters
- Database Storage
- Creation options
- Creating database
- Set sys and system password
The following is the summary generated by DBCA before doing creation:
| Use this database template to create a pre-configured database optimized for general purpose usage. | Common Options Option Name | Selected |
Example Schemas | true | Oracle Data Mining | true | Oracle Intermedia | true | Oracle JVM | true | Oracle Label Security | false | Oracle OLAP | true | Oracle Spatial | true | Oracle Text | true | Oracle Ultra Search | true | Oracle XML DB | true | Initialization Parameters Name | Value |
aq_tm_processes | 1 | background_dump_dest | {ORACLE_BASE}/admin/{DB_NAME}/bdump | compatible | | control_files | ("{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/control01.ctl", "{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/control02.ctl", "{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/control03.ctl") | core_dump_dest | {ORACLE_BASE}/admin/{DB_NAME}/cdump | db_block_size | 8192 | db_cache_size | 174MB | db_domain | | db_file_multiblock_read_count | 16 | db_name | smalldb | dispatchers | (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE={SID}XDB) | fast_start_mttr_target | 300 | hash_join_enabled | TRUE | instance_name | smalldb | java_pool_size | 20MB | job_queue_processes | 10 | large_pool_size | 34MB | open_cursors | 300 | pga_aggregate_target | 77MB | processes | 150 | query_rewrite_enabled | FALSE | remote_login_passwordfile | EXCLUSIVE | shared_pool_size | 58MB | sort_area_size | 524288 | star_transformation_enabled | FALSE | timed_statistics | TRUE | undo_management | AUTO | undo_retention | 10800 | undo_tablespace | UNDOTBS1 | user_dump_dest | {ORACLE_BASE}/admin/{DB_NAME}/udump | Character Sets Name | Value |
Database Character Set | AL32UTF8 | National Character Set | AL16UTF16 | Data Files Name | Tablespace | Size(M) |
{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/cwmlite01.dbf | CWMLITE | 20 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/drsys01.dbf | DRSYS | 20 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/example01.dbf | EXAMPLE | 148.75 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/indx01.dbf | INDX | 25 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/odm01.dbf | ODM | 20 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/system01.dbf | SYSTEM | 370 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/tools01.dbf | TOOLS | 10 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/undotbs01.dbf | UNDOTBS1 | 200 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/users01.dbf | USERS | 25 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/xdb01.dbf | XDB | 45 | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/temp01.dbf | TEMP | 41 | Control Files Control file |
{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/control01.ctl | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/control02.ctl | {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_NAME}/control03.ctl | Redo Log Groups Group | Size(K) |
1 | 250 | 2 | 250 | 3 | 250 | 4 | 250 | |
In which, "Redo Log Groups" has an error in "Size(K)", the actual unit should be "Size(M)".