List archivelogs that are older than 60 days by indicating UNTIL TIME clause.
RMAN> list archivelog until time 'sysdate-60';
List of Archived Log Copies for database with db_unique_name PRIMDB
Key Thrd Seq S Low Time
------- ---- ------- - ---------
1 1 4 A 29-OCT-12
Name: +DATA/compdb/archive/1_4_797940996.arc
4 1 5 A 29-OCT-12
Name: +DATA/compdb/archive/1_5_797940996.arc
218 2 58 A 12-NOV-12
Name: +DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_11_12/thread_2_seq_58.1068.799173865
222 2 59 A 12-NOV-12
Name: +DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_2_seq_59.1077.802260459
Delete these archivelogs, if they are deletable.
RMAN> delete archivelog until time 'sysdate -60';
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=103 instance=primdb1 device type=DISK
List of Archived Log Copies for database with db_unique_name PRIMDB
Key Thrd Seq S Low Time
------- ---- ------- - ---------
1 1 4 A 29-OCT-12
Name: +DATA/compdb/archive/1_4_797940996.arc
4 1 5 A 29-OCT-12
Name: +DATA/compdb/archive/1_5_797940996.arc
218 2 58 A 12-NOV-12
Name: +DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_11_12/thread_2_seq_58.1068.799173865
222 2 59 A 12-NOV-12
Name: +DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_2_seq_59.1077.802260459
Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? yes
deleted archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/compdb/archive/1_4_797940996.arc RECID=1 STAMP=797944474
deleted archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/compdb/archive/1_5_797940996.arc RECID=4 STAMP=797944494
deleted archived log
deleted archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_11_12/thread_2_seq_58.1068.799173865 RECID=218 STAMP=799173866
deleted archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_2_seq_59.1077.802260459 RECID=222 STAMP=802260464
Deleted 129 objects
Another way to specify the time is to convert a string to date by the function TO_DATE.
RMAN> delete archivelog until time "to_date('2012-12-18', 'yyyy-mm-dd')";
released channel: ORA_DISK_1
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=103 instance=primdb1 device type=DISK
List of Archived Log Copies for database with db_unique_name PRIMDB
Key Thrd Seq S Low Time
------- ---- ------- - ---------
221 1 68 A 17-DEC-12
Name: +DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_1_seq_68.1076.802260457
226 1 69 A 17-DEC-12
Name: +DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_1_seq_69.1081.802260891
261 2 69 A 17-DEC-12
Name: +DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_2_seq_69.1092.802263873
265 2 70 A 17-DEC-12
Name: +DATA/primdb/archivelog/2013_01_19/thread_2_seq_70.1097.805121755
Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? yes
deleted archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_1_seq_68.1076.802260457 RECID=221 STAMP=802260457
deleted archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_1_seq_69.1081.802260891 RECID=226 STAMP=802260896
deleted archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/primdb/archivelog/2012_12_17/thread_2_seq_69.1092.802263873 RECID=261 STAMP=802263873
deleted archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/primdb/archivelog/2013_01_19/thread_2_seq_70.1097.805121755 RECID=265 STAMP=805121764
Deleted 19 objects