CPU Utilization Breakdown
We might have some doubts about OS CPU utilization when we read an AWR report like the following:
We all may be confused among these components, which are %BUSY, %USER, %SYS, %IOWAIT and %IDLE. To figure them out, we need to know their relationships.
Breakdown Structure
Here is a breakdown structure of CPU utilization components that could help us to read and understand OS statistics more easily.
- 100 % = %BUSY + %IDLE
In different OS, the names of these components could vary.
Name | Aliases |
Busy | %BUSY, %BUS, %BU |
User | %USER, %USR, %US |
System | %SYS, %SY |
Wait IO | %WIO, %IOWAIT, %WA |
Idle | %IDLE, %ID |