Tried to show the status of ONS (Oracle Notification Service) at grid level, but it failed with PRKO-2013.
[grid@primary01 ~]$ srvctl status ons
Usage: srvctl <command> <object> [<options>]
commands: enable|disable|export|import|start|stop|relocate|status|add|remove|modify|getenv|setenv|unsetenv|config|convert|update|upgrade|downgrade|predict
objects: database|instance|service|nodeapps|vip|network|asm|diskgroup|listener|srvpool|server|scan|scan_listener|qosmserver|home|filesystem|gns|cvu|havip|exportfs|rhpserver|rhpclient|mgmtdb|mgmtlsnr|volume|cha|mountfs|vm|ovmm|ccmb|oraclehome
For detailed help on each command and object and its options use:
srvctl <command> -help [-compatible] or
srvctl <command> <object> -help [-compatible]
PRKO-2013 : ons object is not supported in Oracle Clusterware
PRKO-2013 means that the service object cannot not be recognized by the cluster, it may be a typo or a whole new item to the cluster.
In this case, srvctl status ons is a valid command for release 19c or later, but not for 12c.
The solution is to use onsctl command instead. Some examples of using onsctl command can be found in the following link: