[oracle@primary01 ~]$ ps -ef | awk '{$2 ~ /^$PID$/}'
The above method does work on Solaris platform, but it's very inconvenient to operate by human been. If a DBA give an order to OP to record the top ten cpu utilization processes of a database server on a specific window every 10 by this indirect method, they might complaint all the day. So it would be better to write a script for them to use.
Of course, OP can be trained to use more complex and various combination command to identify the most cpu-consuming processes directly by "ps" command like this:
[oracle@primary01 ~]$ ps -eo pid,user,pcpu,args | sort -k3rn
But a formatted result would be better and welcomed. The script in the following demonstration will try to collect enough information from top, sar and ps to compose a readable format and can be rendered to a report for reviewing by management.
- Compose a script to retrieve resource information.
- Compose a script for easily logging and can be added to the crontab.
- Change the permissions for the script files.
- Test the script and see the result.
- Add an entry to the crontab.
- OP can tail the result by following the log file.
$ vi cpu_usage.sh
echo " DateTime: "`date '+%Y-%m-%d %T'`
echo ""
top -n 0 | egrep 'load averages|Memory:'
echo "CPU idle: "`sar -i 300 | tail -3 | head -1 | awk '{print $5}'`"%"
echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
ps -eo pid,user,pcpu,pmem,stime,args | sort -k3rn | head
echo "==================================================================="
$ vi run_cpu_usage.sh
$WORKING_DIR/cpu_usage.sh >> $WORKING_DIR/cpu_usage_`date +%Y%m%d`.log
$ chmod u+x *.sh
$ ./run_cpu_usage.sh
DateTime: 2012-11-16 19:24:35
load averages: 4.02, 3.07, 2.79 19:24:35
Memory: 16.0G real, 3.8G free, 9.6G swap in use, 9.8G swap free
CPU idle: 48%
12363 oracle 8.4 0.5 18:37:08 oraclePRIMDB1 (LOCAL=NO)
12435 oracle 7.6 0.5 18:47:08 oraclePRIMDB1 (LOCAL=YES)
8483 oracle 6.4 0.5 Nov_14 ora_lgwr_PRIMDB1
8449 oracle 4.1 0.2 Nov_14 ora_lmd0_PRIMDB1
8477 oracle 3.3 0.5 Nov_14 ora_arc0_PRIMDB1
8465 oracle 3.1 0.2 Nov_14 ora_smon_PRIMDB1
8481 oracle 2.6 0.5 Nov_14 ora_dbw0_PRIMDB1
8453 oracle 2.0 0.2 Nov_14 ora_lms1_PRIMDB1
8451 oracle 1.9 0.2 Nov_14 ora_lms0_PRIMDB1
13590 oracle 1.8 0.2 19:23:33 extprocPLSExtProc (LOCAL=NO)
$ crontab -e
*/10 9-17 * * 1-5 /home/oracle/scripts/run_cpu_usage.sh
If you would like to run this job through root, you can add an entry like this:
# crontab -e
*/10 9-17 * * 1-5 su - oracle -c '/home/oracle/scripts/run_cpu_usage.sh'
This entry means that the job must start every 10 minutes, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.
$ tail -f cpu_usage_`date +%Y%m%d`.log
Since we add a "clear" in the begging of the retrieving script, OP could monitor the newest result during tailing in some terminal.