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Escape Single Quote for JavaScript

For example, if you have a button in PHP code like this:

return "<button onclick='get_name("$id", "$title")'>Post</button>";

It will work well except the following case containing a single quote:

$title = "You don't have to do that.";
return "<button onclick='get_name("$id", "$title")'>Post</button>";

The above code snippet will be interpreted as:

 <button onclick='get_name("32", "You don't have to do that.")'>Post</button>

This does NOT trigger JavaScript function get_name() on clicking, because there's a single quote in the title.

I guess you may want to add an escape character "" before a single quote, but it does not work also. So our question is: What should we use to replace the single quote?

My finding is to use &#039; to replace the single quote. In our case, we should rewrite the code into:

$title = str_replace("'", "&#039;", $title);
$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES);
return "<button onclick='get_name("$id", "$title")'>Post</button>";

We replaced the single quote with its symbol entity "&#039;" by str_replace or htmlentities, then passed the string into the JavaScript event function. Yes, it's working now.

Not only str_replace(), you can also use htmlentities() to convert all applicable characters to HTML entities, including single quote. For more information about character entity, please refer to: List of XML and HTML character entity references.

Accepting arbitrary stings as inputs of JavaScript functions might not be a good practice. It make the function very unpredictable. So I think we should avoid to design functions in this manner.

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